The Bends.
I may have had the bends. I had a completely uneventful dive on Tuesday night (09/05/06) . 33mins (surface to surface) at 22.8metres on Nitrox 32. Good profile, no rapid accents, I deployed SMB and never overtook the line. Did as 3mins at 5.5metres safety stop. Dark and cold but no dramas. No recent alcohol.
No symptoms on surfacing. Joanne says, I mentioned I had a sore hip when I got in about 9pm. I woke in the night 1230 in considerable discomfort in my right hip which was a tooth-achy pain that went all down my leg to my second toe which was a bit pins and needles. I went (hobbled) downstairs and took 800mgs of ibuprofen. Went back to sleep to 0600 and awoke in discomfort again. Had a conversation with Jo and aid I wondered if it could be a bend. I readily agreed to get some advice from DDRC when they opened. Took more brufen. Got ready for work and drove in, before I went into work I called DDRC and spoke to Dr Christine Cridge. She advised me to come in for evaluation. Cancelled my appointments, drove to DDRC. I was limping at this time. On balance I didn’t think it was a bend.
Was examined including (neuro exam) and we decided to put me in the pot. Did about 4 ½ hours on 100% O2 at 18m (60ft – US Navy tables). Was accompanied by Megan who looked after me (tolerated me) for all this time. The pain did certainly ease at pressure and my limp resolved. I was of course resting on a trolley. It did feel a little worse when we surfaced. Dr Christine felt it was on balance more likely to be DCI (a bend) than not. She felt that there was weakness in my right leg that had resolved on HBO/ recompression treatment.
I have always had crappy joints and regularly experience pain (but not usually to this extent) after football for example. Dr Christine felt that weakened and damaged tissue does attract bubbles. Took more brufen, slept well and felt slightly better on Thursday morning.
Went back to DDRC and they stuck me in the pot again 2 hours at 14m on 100% O2 – this time with the medical HBO patients some of whom were a bit snotty about going all the way to 14m because of the diver (cheeky twats). Neuro exams unchanged no difference to the now mild discomfort. Dr Simon not sure if bend or not. I didn’t think it was a bend. Went home took more ibuprofen. ( a lovely days annual leave!)
Went back this morning for evaluation. Had a conversation with Dr Simon we agreed further recompression unlikely to move us forward as symptoms largely resolved. On balance I didn’t think it was a bend, but I’m very aware of the denial factor with divers.
However I had done some internet research and had resolved my self to 4 weeks off diving based on what I had read. It would be absolutely the only option to follow the advice of the medics, whether it was a bend or not. I am resolved to treat it as if it was a very undeserved hit. The advice and explanation given by Dr Christine of tissue vulnerability is the most lucid.
I was devastated when I was advised to stop diving for a few months….. I have a follow up appointment with the medical director Phil Bryson on 30th May to review me. Until then I am dry.
I am well and healthy and hugely grateful to the prompt and superb treatment at DDRC. We are so fortunate to have this facility locally (don’t fancy going to Cardiff or London or wherever). They couldn’t have been better and I’m am trying not to be a brat about it but I’m gutted.
This rules me out of the first weekend, very probably the second and hopefully not for the August trip. The big worry is there a reason a had such an undeserved hit? 110 dive no probs – why me why now. Risk factors I am overweight, but I am reasonably fit, have done quality work up dive this year I am super cautious. Disafuckingpointed.
August 2006.
Had my medical which went well. Have a 6 month fitness to dive certificate. However have to dive Nitrox on air tables and lose 6kgs in 6 months.
January 2007.
My weight has yoyo’d over the last 5 months. I have been down to 83 from 85kg. The scales were read wrong at my medical and I was 88kgs but was recorded at 85kg. Currently I’m 86kgs so I’m gonna beast myself for 6 weeks.
I may have had the bends. I had a completely uneventful dive on Tuesday night (09/05/06) . 33mins (surface to surface) at 22.8metres on Nitrox 32. Good profile, no rapid accents, I deployed SMB and never overtook the line. Did as 3mins at 5.5metres safety stop. Dark and cold but no dramas. No recent alcohol.
No symptoms on surfacing. Joanne says, I mentioned I had a sore hip when I got in about 9pm. I woke in the night 1230 in considerable discomfort in my right hip which was a tooth-achy pain that went all down my leg to my second toe which was a bit pins and needles. I went (hobbled) downstairs and took 800mgs of ibuprofen. Went back to sleep to 0600 and awoke in discomfort again. Had a conversation with Jo and aid I wondered if it could be a bend. I readily agreed to get some advice from DDRC when they opened. Took more brufen. Got ready for work and drove in, before I went into work I called DDRC and spoke to Dr Christine Cridge. She advised me to come in for evaluation. Cancelled my appointments, drove to DDRC. I was limping at this time. On balance I didn’t think it was a bend.
Was examined including (neuro exam) and we decided to put me in the pot. Did about 4 ½ hours on 100% O2 at 18m (60ft – US Navy tables). Was accompanied by Megan who looked after me (tolerated me) for all this time. The pain did certainly ease at pressure and my limp resolved. I was of course resting on a trolley. It did feel a little worse when we surfaced. Dr Christine felt it was on balance more likely to be DCI (a bend) than not. She felt that there was weakness in my right leg that had resolved on HBO/ recompression treatment.
I have always had crappy joints and regularly experience pain (but not usually to this extent) after football for example. Dr Christine felt that weakened and damaged tissue does attract bubbles. Took more brufen, slept well and felt slightly better on Thursday morning.
Went back to DDRC and they stuck me in the pot again 2 hours at 14m on 100% O2 – this time with the medical HBO patients some of whom were a bit snotty about going all the way to 14m because of the diver (cheeky twats). Neuro exams unchanged no difference to the now mild discomfort. Dr Simon not sure if bend or not. I didn’t think it was a bend. Went home took more ibuprofen. ( a lovely days annual leave!)
Went back this morning for evaluation. Had a conversation with Dr Simon we agreed further recompression unlikely to move us forward as symptoms largely resolved. On balance I didn’t think it was a bend, but I’m very aware of the denial factor with divers.
However I had done some internet research and had resolved my self to 4 weeks off diving based on what I had read. It would be absolutely the only option to follow the advice of the medics, whether it was a bend or not. I am resolved to treat it as if it was a very undeserved hit. The advice and explanation given by Dr Christine of tissue vulnerability is the most lucid.
I was devastated when I was advised to stop diving for a few months….. I have a follow up appointment with the medical director Phil Bryson on 30th May to review me. Until then I am dry.
I am well and healthy and hugely grateful to the prompt and superb treatment at DDRC. We are so fortunate to have this facility locally (don’t fancy going to Cardiff or London or wherever). They couldn’t have been better and I’m am trying not to be a brat about it but I’m gutted.
This rules me out of the first weekend, very probably the second and hopefully not for the August trip. The big worry is there a reason a had such an undeserved hit? 110 dive no probs – why me why now. Risk factors I am overweight, but I am reasonably fit, have done quality work up dive this year I am super cautious. Disafuckingpointed.
August 2006.
Had my medical which went well. Have a 6 month fitness to dive certificate. However have to dive Nitrox on air tables and lose 6kgs in 6 months.
January 2007.
My weight has yoyo’d over the last 5 months. I have been down to 83 from 85kg. The scales were read wrong at my medical and I was 88kgs but was recorded at 85kg. Currently I’m 86kgs so I’m gonna beast myself for 6 weeks.
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