- Drop-off although I did not dive with you and dive dad and was in a semidry lovely dive all the same (Neill - I thought I did this once with the Daddy Lobster and once with the Eejit Monkey?)
- The night dive on the Giannis D fantastic wreck had a bit of trouble getting back to the mother ship.
- The Kingston the drift over the reef was the closest to flight i think i will ever be,
- The Mammeries at Eddystone - new depth record for me at 40.2 this is the best dive so far dive buddies Neill and Rob (dive dad,Robster the lobster) call him what you will - big shark, jewel anenome, big viz. PS where were you shallow? Hal Ha Ha He He,
- Hands deep
- Eddystone photo on my blog http://eejit71.blogspot.com/2007_06_01_archive.html buddy rab loads of sea life 1st time i dived in the eddystone area.
Love The Eejit
Neill's comment - sneaking in a bonus Paddy? Thank you Mate.
well done Eejit