This is copied from Dom's comments but is just worthy of a post.
Dom said...
Top 5 diving goals of 2008 - an interesting question. Working on the assumption that I try to achieve things, how about:
Top 5 diving goals of 2008 - an interesting question. Working on the assumption that I try to achieve things, how about:
1. After the awesome experience that was the Red Sea 2007, agree when our next big holiday is going to be.
2. Avoid getting irritated by the usual suspects ...... (John, people with all the gear, etc)
3. Persuade Suzi that Truk/Bikini is what we need to do .......
4. Dive The Maine again!
5. Try not to lose my new computer (after I've figured out how it works again!)
Neill says - I don't recall John having any diving difficulties last year at all - he had his shit well together. You're just cranky from the war and the rugby.
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